Here I am with my friend Sue at The Prouty Event in Hanover New Hampshire. I am displaying my T-Shirt Timeline Quilt of 30 continuous years of commitment and passion to raising money for cancer research and a cure through the Friends of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center. Also known as the Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Hanover-The Prouty Event. This event happens the second Saturday in July each year. This quilt is an ongoing quilt and five more t-shirts will be added to the next strip and then, I will collect the next 5 shirts and they will be added to the next strip. Below is another strip of five shirts added to this timeline quilt bringing the timeline up to thirty-five. Each year I participate I receive a shirt and in three years, there will be forty shirts on this timeline quilt, Imagine that!
This is my 37th year participating in the Prouty Event. I never thought I would be doing this year after year, but when your friends and family members get cancer you, “Are All In“ for them. You want to help in someway and somehow and through participating in The Prouty you can do just that. It is a cause I feel very strongly about and that is why I continue to Prouty On!
June 18, 2022
Adding a few more t-shirts to the timeline quilt that Sarah Bunkley has made for me and continues to add to every five years. The red shirt was the first virtual year for the Prouty and a year that you had to buy the Prouty shirt. I chose to put our virtual shirt on the quilt versus the Prouty virtual shirt. It was in memory of my mother who was battling colon cancer. Then, she died in May of 2019. My daughter and son put on a Virtual Prouty Event each year in memory of their Mimi. It is called,
Bumps For Barbara Virtual Volleyball 🏐 Tournament. It is a non-profit event. All the money raised goes to theprouty (The Friends of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center in Dartmouth-Hanover, NH.)

Above is a picture of the five new shirts added to my Prouty T-Shirt Timeline Quilt.
Below is a picture of the 2022 Bumps For Barbara Virtual Volleyball 🏐 Tournament Participants.
It was a chilly day, but we all loved the beach volleyball 🏐 court this year and the new location for the event was a nice change too. There were six teams of four that participated. A few people came to watch the event as well. All in all, it was a great day and a great support for cancer research and patient care.
On July 9th our family will participate in the Prouty 5K Wooded Walk, so there is still time to donate to the Bumps For Barbara Team at The Prouty Event if you have the desire to do so. We thank you for your generosity and support!
We Are All In This Together!
Prouty for a cure!
Patricia D. Hoyt
Please think of joining our team this year on Saturday July 9th or next year on the second Saturday in July.
Contact me for more information.