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Kickstarter Launch Update

Writer's picture: Patricia Dunfey HoytPatricia Dunfey Hoyt

Updated: Sep 4, 2022

Due to some health derailments, I have pushed back my Launch date until after Labor Day Weekend. My story called, The Alphabet Comes Marching In -

A Musical Movement Game Book Featuring Nouns and Verbs will be on the Kickstarter Platform in the middle of September.

I will keep everyone informed as to when the launch 🚀 day will be.

I am currently very satisfied with Beverly my graphic designer. She has done an amazing job working on this story. It has been edited thousands of times. It literally seems like thousands, because I want everything as close to perfect as possible.

Beverly and I worked today on the last details. I am so happy to say that tomorrow I will be able to make a UPS copy of my story. A sample paper copy for myself, so I can go through the book one more time to make sure there are no mistakes before sending it to the printers. I got three quotes for book printing prices that I need to decide what company I will be using. Needless to say, I have some BIG decisions to make in the next few days.

I have also created a Literary Guide book that has five game lesson plans and my illustrator Natalie has created and designed the Paper Noun Tiles to be used with this story and the games. Each alphabet letter has 5 noun tiles, times 26 letters is 130 noun tiles altogether.

The games focus on learning about the Parts Of Speech called nouns and verbs. Each game was created for children to have fun while learning and interacting in a social way. Children are introduced to language concepts that help them learn about nouns and verbs. Learning about Parts of Speech help children express their ideas through speaking and later by writing ✍️.

Teachers, parents, and adults will enjoy teaching these games and interacting with the children in a fun and engaging way. Everyone becomes a winner learning about nouns and verbs!

In the next few days, I will be creating the game pieces, so I can share the game product on my Kickstarter Campaign Project page. I am looking forward to piecing everything together for my video presentation that I am working on as well.

Stay tune for more sneak peeks as I get these pieces in place.

Author ✍️ Patricia D. Hoyt

Dragonfly Publishing


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