Have you seen my fb Patricia Hoyt page?

Well, Go and see it and GET YOUR CHAMPION ON!
I invite you to join me in helping The Thornton Public Library raise funds for their Literary Program through a new platform called, BookAnAuthor.com . This platform was set up to help authors find institutions and institutions find authors for authentic storytelling at their establishments.
I am asking for Champions to donate $5.00 to help raise $250.00 for this local libraries wallet on the BookAnAuthor.com platform site. If $250.00 is raised BookAnAuthor.com will match that amount and donate $250.00 worth of books to the Thornton Public Library. I also will add an incentive and raffle off five of my books to five lucky participates. Winners of the raffle will be able to choose the book they would like out of my three published stories. The Book An Author platform will be a Win-Win for both author and institutions because it is filling a need for author visits and presentations for schools, libraries and community events. This platform creates a wallet for the Thornton Public Library where all the funds raised for this fund raiser event will go. The library will then decide how they wish to use that money raised for their events.
This is a National Campaign that is taken place coast to coast from May 1st, 2024-May 30, 2024.
Forty vetted authors were selected to help with this project. I feel very fortunate to be one of the 40 authors selected for the initial start up on this platform. I am an Authentic Storytelling Champion who is committed to this programs success. BookAnAuthor.com will benefit many children across the country who will receive quality authentic storytelling in person or on zoom from a variety of authors whom they otherwise, would not have access to know. BookAnAuthor.com will make it easy for institutions to find authors and it will be a wonderful addition to help schools reach authors for fun community events coming up in areas across the states in the near and distant future.
I hope you will be a champion and join me in this fund raising effort to help my hometown library increase their Literary Program for children and adults in this community.
Thanks in advance for your help and becoming a champion for the Thornton Public Library in Thornton, NH.
Champion of Authentic Storytelling- Patricia Hoyt
Literary Fund Raiser at BookAnAuthor.com
For The: Thornton Public Library