This spring and summer has been a hard one for me when a girlfriend of mine was diagnosed with lung cancer stage 3. It was definitely a shock to her as well as to her friends. I helped my friend by making meals for her family and visiting her. I also took my friend to her chemotherapy appointments.
Then, we received more sad news that the cancer had spread and mastastisized and now her cancer was at a stage 4 level. My friend lived for five months after being diagnosed with this disease and she died the end of July.
I have been quiet and sad for months. I have been reminded how bad it hurts to lose someone you love. I try to think of all the wonderful times we spent together playing golf at the White Mountain Country Club, Oak Hill Golf Course, Waterville Valley Golf Course and at Owl’s Nest Golf Club. Going out to dinner with other golf friends weekly with the occasion of a home meal of pizza and jacuzzi time.
My friend had a bubbly personality. She knew how to change any sad occasion and make it a happy one. She was fun and lively to be around and a joy to have as a friend. She often looked at her glass as half full not half empty. Her personality was infectious and she made everyone around her happy and excited.
In closing, I have journeyed back to the woods where I can think and heal and remember. My friend will always be with me in spirit. I sure do miss her!